Dec 1, 2022When bacteria are phage playgrounds: interactions between viruses, cells Full title: When bacteria are phage playgrounds: interactions between viruses, cells, and mobile genetic elements Current Opinion in...
Jul 23, 2021Strainberry: automated strain separation in low-complexity metagenomes using long readsNat Commun Vicedomini R, Quince C, Darling AE, Chikhi R High-throughput short-read metagenomics has enabled large-scale species-level...
Jul 2, 2021Interplay between the cell envelope and mobile genetic elements shapes gene flow PLoS Biology Haudiquet M, Buffet A, Rendueles O, Rocha EPC Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) drive genetic transfers between bacteria using...
Mar 18, 2021Bacteria have numerous distinctive groups of phage–plasmids Nucleic Acids Research Pfeifer E, Moura de Sousa JA, Touchon M, Rocha EPC Plasmids and temperate phages are key contributors to...
Jun 1, 2020Structure and function of minor pilins of type IV piliMed Microbiol Immunol Jacobsen T, Bardiaux B, Francetic O, Izadi‑Pruneyre N, Nilges M. Type IV pili are versatile and highly flexible...