Nov 23, 2022Inhibitory control of synaptic signals preceding locomotion in mouse frontal cortexCell Reports Zhang CL, Koukouli F, Allegra M, Ortiz C, Kao HL, Maskos U, Changeux JP, Schmidt-Hieber C. The frontal cortex is essential...
Sep 13, 2022Challenges of intracellular visualization using virtual and augmented realityFront Bioinform Valades-Cruz CA, Leconte L, Fouche G, Blanc T, Van Hille N, Fournier K, Laurent T, Gallean B, Deslandes F, Hajj B, Faure...
May 16, 2022Breast Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis for Surgeons Using Virtual Reality: A Comparative StudyJCO Clinical Cancer Informatics El Beheiry M, Gaillard T, Girard N, Darrigues L, Osdoit M, Feron JG, Sabaila A, Laas E, Fourchotte V,...
Sep 21, 2020Genuage: visualizing and analyzing multidimensional point cloud data in virtual realityNature Methods Thomas Blanc, Mohamed El Beheiry, Clément Caporal, Jean-Baptiste Masson, Bassam Hajj. The quantity of experimentally...
Jul 24, 2020DIVA: Natural Navigation Inside 3D Images Using Virtual RealityJ Mol Biol El Beheiry M, Godard C, Caporal C, Marcon V, Ostertag C, Sliti O, Doutreligne S, Fournier S, Hajj B, Dahan M, JB Masson. As...