Position: Highly qualified computational biologist - senior postdoc/research assistant level
The team
The ParSig team leaded by our INCEPTION partner Gerald Spaeth (https://research.pasteur.fr/en/team/molecular-parasitology-and- signaling/) at the Institut Pasteur in Paris seeks for a highly qualified computational biologist at the senior postdoc/research assistant level to join the ERC Synergy project DecoLeishRN (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101071613).
The candidate
The successful candidate should have at least 3 years of postdoc experience in the fields of bioinformatics and population genetics and should be motivated to establish a cutting-edge project that will serve as a springboard to independence. The selected candidate will join and collaborate with a vibrant, international team that applies experimental evolution to study mechanisms of fitness gain in the eukaryotic pathogen Leishmania. In particular, the candidate will (i) apply and further develop our previously established bioinformatics pipeline (GIP, Bussotti et al., NAR 2022, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc8989552/), (ii) integrate various large data sets generated by short-read, long-read and single cell DNAseq and RNAseq analyses during parasite evolution in vitro and in vivo, and (iii) establish new computational tools in collaboration with local resources and with our partner at the Weizmann Institute of Sciences to study the evolution of regulatory networks underlying Leishmania fitness gain. Wet lab experience is not required, but a solid background in biology will be of advantage.
How to apply
Send to gerald.spaeth@pasteur.fr.
motivation letter
CV (including 3 names for references)
list of publications
This call will be open until a suitable candidate has been recruited.