Dec 15, 2022large-scale and user-friendly differential k-mer analysesBioinformatics Téo Lemane, Rayan Chikhi, Pierre Peterlongo Genome wide association studies elucidate links between genotypes and ...
Jun 1, 2022Gene-lifestyle interactions in the genomics of human complex traitsEur J Hum Genet Laville V, Majarian T, Sung YJ, Schwander K, Feitosa MF, Chasman DI, Bentley AR, Rotimi CN, Cupples LA, de Vries PS,...
Aug 30, 2021Multitrait GWAS to connect disease variants and biological mechanismsPLoS Genet Julienne H, Laville V, McCaw ZR, He Z, Guillemot V, Lasry C, Ziyatdinov A, Nerin C, Vaysse A, Lechat P, Ménager H, Le Goff W,...
May 31, 2021Comparative genome analysis using sample-specific string detection in accurate long readsParsoa Khorsand, Luca Denti, Human Genome Structural Variant Consortium, Paola Bonizzoni, Rayan Chikhi, Fereydoun Hormozdiari...
Mar 1, 2020JASS: command line and web interface for the joint analysis of GWAS resultsNar Genomics and Bioinformatics Julienne H, Lechat P, Guillemot V, Lasry C, Yao C, Araud R, Laville V, Vilhjalmsson B, Ménager H,...